Monday, July 11, 2011

Julie's Birthday Week

I seems I only post on here on birthday weeks (we celebrate the whole week since one day just doesn't do it)

I recently re-connected with two friends from High School that I haven't seen in over 20 years. The subject of kids always comes up so I figured I'd kick off the week describing our furry child, Polly (aka, Fang)

Polly is a Cockapoo that has long ago forgotten that she is a dog, if she ever even considered being one. I used to call her a small furry human, but Polly disagrees with that as she is quite sure that she is superior to me, a mere mortal. Polly's view of life is more that of a Demi-god. After 11 years she knows quite a few human words, where I have yet to learn any words in dog, thus proving who is the superior being.

Humans (again me) live to serve Polly. My job in life is to feed her, pet her, walk her, clean her pool and carry her to bed at night. (Polly can do the stairs just fine but prefers to be carried to bed at night, she can make quite a deal of it if she isn't.)

Polly didn't come by her view of the world lightly. She sees me trudging off to work each day and has correctly figured out that my lot in life is to work to support her life of leisure.

In reality, we have more of a overlord/serf relationship. Polly knows that humans are required for things like air conditioning, belly rubs and of course, bacon. She is a pretty decent overlord, as far as overlords go.

Polly will be with Kurt this week when Julie and I are in Las Vegas. While we appreciate that Kurt is available to take care of Polly while we are gone, Polly feels that we are dumping her on yet other human that lives to serve her. She has a very tough life, just ask her, she'll tell you.